kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went
to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish (thoughtless, without
forethought) and five were wise (sensible, intelligent, and prudent). For when
the foolish took their lamps, they did not take any [extra] oil with them; But
the wise took flasks of oil along with them [also] with their lamps. While the
bridegroom lingered and was slow in coming, they all began nodding their heads,
and they fell asleep. But at midnight
there was a shout, Behold, the bridegroom! Go out to meet him! Then all those
virgins got up and put their own lamps in order. And the foolish said to the
wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out. But while they
were going away to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were prepared went
in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Later the other
virgins also came and said, Lord, Lord, open [the door] to us! But He replied,
I solemnly declare to you, I do not know you [I am not acquainted with you].
(Matthew 25:1-8, 10-12 AMP)
I've read the verses above many times and always just had the surface thought of being prepared so you can go in. The word also speaks about us being a light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). So if we are the light/lamps then the oil is God and His word. These two together are what keeps us in step and shining brightly. Those who do not seek God and His word to navigate through life are those who are seem foolish when it is time to go in. Not just the word of God that makes us overcomers, but also His word that gives us direction. There are parts of the Bible where we are given specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. If we only walk with God in an emotional sense of excitement when the word encourages us then we are limiting the brightness of our lights.
Many start off this way and that's fine; but like any good relationship in the natural there has to be growth. We possibly enter into relationship with God because of some traumatic event in our lives. God woos us closer to Him for comfort and encouragement. In this comfort and encouragement we find security and the strength to go on another day through the battle. The closer we get to God through relationship the more we are inclined to be obedient to His word. Not just His written word but also how the Holy Spirit guides us. True healthy relationship garners respect and wanting to please the person we are in relationship with. This level of relationship allows God to shine through us in our everyday actions and way of life; not just surface words.
The story speaks to how all the women got tired as they waited on Jesus to come and went to sleep. We all get tired and must allow ourselves time to rest, so there was nothing wrong with them resting. The difference is some of them slept and awoke in peace because they knew they were prepared. While the others scrambled at the last minute to get things together. The parable also shows that when they awoke they began to put their OWN lamps in order. Often times we are so busy worrying about everyone else's lamp/life that we take no time to get our own in order. We cannot help anyone if we ourselves are not properly prepared. We cannot just depend on the relationship and prayers of our family and friends with God, but rely mostly on our own relationship with God. Our family and friends cannot take the test for us nor can their lives get us into heaven.
Those who were prepared were able to go straight in and the bridegroom closed the door behind them. The ones who were foolish were not able to come in. The bridegroom’s specific words were "I do not know you". In other words we have no relationship, so you cannot come in. Much like when strangers come to my door, I talk to them through the window because I don't know them. If I don't know you you're definitely not coming into my home or even getting an opportunity to push your way in.
Knowing a person comes by way of relationship which grows through time, experience, communication and affection. Like any other relationship we cannot have a healthy relationship with God on little time and little oil. The lack of preparation shows the bridegroom that we are not ready for what He has for us. When we get or try to get things before we are prepared confusion and destruction comes. God is not the author of confusion and He shuts the door on us when we aren't prepared is usually the best thing for us. Because He never puts more on us than we can bear, we have to trust that the closed door is for our own good. We are equipped to handle the door being closed, but maybe not so equipped to handle the responsibility behind that door. With all this being said preparation doesn't mean that we will do everything perfectly when that door is opened. However; when we work on our relationship with God and our obedience to God's word it prepares us enough to go in. In our preparation time we learn that we can count on God to strengthen us once we get behind the door. We learn that what we don't know we can count on God to help us.
I've read the verses above many times and always just had the surface thought of being prepared so you can go in. The word also speaks about us being a light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16). So if we are the light/lamps then the oil is God and His word. These two together are what keeps us in step and shining brightly. Those who do not seek God and His word to navigate through life are those who are seem foolish when it is time to go in. Not just the word of God that makes us overcomers, but also His word that gives us direction. There are parts of the Bible where we are given specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. If we only walk with God in an emotional sense of excitement when the word encourages us then we are limiting the brightness of our lights.
Many start off this way and that's fine; but like any good relationship in the natural there has to be growth. We possibly enter into relationship with God because of some traumatic event in our lives. God woos us closer to Him for comfort and encouragement. In this comfort and encouragement we find security and the strength to go on another day through the battle. The closer we get to God through relationship the more we are inclined to be obedient to His word. Not just His written word but also how the Holy Spirit guides us. True healthy relationship garners respect and wanting to please the person we are in relationship with. This level of relationship allows God to shine through us in our everyday actions and way of life; not just surface words.
The story speaks to how all the women got tired as they waited on Jesus to come and went to sleep. We all get tired and must allow ourselves time to rest, so there was nothing wrong with them resting. The difference is some of them slept and awoke in peace because they knew they were prepared. While the others scrambled at the last minute to get things together. The parable also shows that when they awoke they began to put their OWN lamps in order. Often times we are so busy worrying about everyone else's lamp/life that we take no time to get our own in order. We cannot help anyone if we ourselves are not properly prepared. We cannot just depend on the relationship and prayers of our family and friends with God, but rely mostly on our own relationship with God. Our family and friends cannot take the test for us nor can their lives get us into heaven.
Those who were prepared were able to go straight in and the bridegroom closed the door behind them. The ones who were foolish were not able to come in. The bridegroom’s specific words were "I do not know you". In other words we have no relationship, so you cannot come in. Much like when strangers come to my door, I talk to them through the window because I don't know them. If I don't know you you're definitely not coming into my home or even getting an opportunity to push your way in.
Knowing a person comes by way of relationship which grows through time, experience, communication and affection. Like any other relationship we cannot have a healthy relationship with God on little time and little oil. The lack of preparation shows the bridegroom that we are not ready for what He has for us. When we get or try to get things before we are prepared confusion and destruction comes. God is not the author of confusion and He shuts the door on us when we aren't prepared is usually the best thing for us. Because He never puts more on us than we can bear, we have to trust that the closed door is for our own good. We are equipped to handle the door being closed, but maybe not so equipped to handle the responsibility behind that door. With all this being said preparation doesn't mean that we will do everything perfectly when that door is opened. However; when we work on our relationship with God and our obedience to God's word it prepares us enough to go in. In our preparation time we learn that we can count on God to strengthen us once we get behind the door. We learn that what we don't know we can count on God to help us.
I’m learning that the best way to be fully
prepared for anything is to walk with God allow His presence and His word to be
the oil in my lamp/heart/body/life and be obedient to His word. Without Him
there not much I am able to do which will last or that is worth mentioning. It
is more important to be prepared on the inside than it is on the outside. We
must seek some time with God and His word each day so that a relationship can
be formed. So that our relationship is not just relationship where we take, but
also being obedient to what He says do so that we can also be a giver.
R.T. ~The light that shines through~
© 2013, Robin I. Taylor. All
rights reserved. Originally published at
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