God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once
they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives
His grace or to whom He sends His call.] Romans 11:29
God's best for me is not a walk in the park or a shot in the dark; but a directed path that's lit along the way. It’s covered by wisdom & discernment not by desperation and desire because all that soon expires.
God's best for me was bound on the inside of me, never knowing that it
may have to be pulled out. Life circumstances lead me to The Father and that
thing that I've done all my life with no bother or second thought just to
collect my thoughts becomes part of my purpose.
Never thought it would come to the surface to be shared with the world.
Like an oyster cultivates a lovely pearl. I held it close as I'd grind on the
sand Oops I mean demands of life. Off on my own dreaming of a way to make it
happen never knowing that Gods best for me was about to arrest me bless me
& de-stress me. Guiding me to a place I've never dreamed of called freedom.
I found freedom to be me and express the sense of rest that can only be
found in Him. No matter the season or reason for delay Gods timing is always
perfect. God’s best is surely a reason to worship Him in spirit & in truth.
God's best for me will continue to come with a testimony that attests to
what happens when faith, destiny and His fulfillment collide. Consistently
teaching me to abide, abide, abide.... Taking everything in stride and riding
the waves of the high tide even in the midst of the storm. Dreams unborn will
be birthed into reality, becoming greater than I'd ever fathomed them to be.
God’s best for me provides inner peace and rest for me. Rest in His
Words, His verbs, His nouns, His contractions or even great subtractions, with
little addition that lead to fractions, halves and percentages; understanding
that only His multiplication could make situations whole.
So you see God's best for me may not be stress free, yet it calls deep to
what's best in me to take the stage. No matter the tests I see, I will ACTIVELY
rest in THEE to ensure His divine destiny is fulfilled with simply......God's
best for me.
There are things that are built in us from childhood that we don’t always
see as gifts. God has given us these things to use to prosper us. Never give up on
God and never give up on the gifts He’s given. Encourage the next generation’s gifts so that
they know what they have been given is irrevocable and profitable.
man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men. Proverbs
R.T. ~The light that shines through~
daily inspiration follow me @RTTheLight
© 2014, Robin I.
Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally published at
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