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Prayer, Supplication and Peace that Transcends Understanding

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6, 7 AMP)

Over the past 18 months of my life I had been praying about a situation. That situation itself brought me closer to God than I have ever been before in my entire life. It showed me His strength, His grace, His mercy and brought out gifts He has placed in me. The time spent with God has also given me courage that I never dreamed I would have. It has also proven to me that no matter how other people act or what they say I am called to handle things God's way. It was one of those situations where things weren't done Gods way initially, but you pray that with God in it now things will work out. I felt confused, lost and alone to say the least. So I prayed constantly day & night. I read the word faithfully and made time for God each day. The more I read the more I needed to know, the more prayers I prayed the more time I wanted to spend with God.

As time went on I begin to seek God not just about the situation, but about what He wanted me to do with my life. The want and what I thought was a need for the situation didn't go away. It just began to become secondary to what God wanted me to do for Him. God began to reveal things to me in my spirit about Him, me, the situation and all involved. The things that were revealed through preaching and reading the word were simply amazing, yet still I prayed. Because I wanted things to work out the way I thought they should work out.

As Gods word became more & more clear supplication began to set in. My prayers never stopped, I just began to ask God more humbly and the words but "I only want it if you're in it" begin to weigh in more than what I wanted. The want had not yet ceased but I began to realize who knows best. I believed and still believe that God has the ability to turn anything around, but I also know that sometimes things don't go our way for the good of everyone.

Once humility had its way with me, peace about the situation began to set in. I had already gone through the forgiveness stage, but the unimaginable peace phase was even more of a blessing than that. This peace doesn't come when God has worked things out the way we thought it should be. It comes when we realize that God knows every intricate detail about it and He supplies all my needs. So who would know best me or Him?

Anything that we NEED in this very moment to survive we already have. There is no need to scramble and make things happen outside of Gods order, or piece situations together so that we get what we want, but have to beg for what we need. Nothing counterfeit or bootleg is ever worth what we pay for it. If it's only a knockoff or cheap replica of the real thing it has no true value at all.

I'm sure you're wondering well did it work out?....No it didn't, not the way that I was thinking it would. I am SO thankful that it didn't, because I trust that God has something greater in store for me than what that situation could offer. I've been asked "how can you be so nice and forgiving about all of this"? My only answer is its God working through me, to be the woman He has made me to be no matter what others do. If we allow God to work in and through us it's amazing what can be done and the things that we can get over. I say all of this to bear witness that whatever situation you are praying about today; know that God has it all under control. He knows the beginning and the end, so there is no need to worry, try to figure it out or even try to make things happen. Seek to have a deeper relationship with Him and your steps will be ordered right before your eyes. The purpose for God allowing things to fall apart may be just so you can seek Him and His will for your life. Radiant Transparency isn't currently the biggest thing out there, but it was in this time that the vision came about. Each day in Him my strength, courage and need to help others through His word is renewed. I didn't get the expected outcome; but I did find my purpose which has a value that is unmatched.

So continue to pray about the situation and believe that God can turn things around. But most importantly seek what God wants out of the situation most. Seek His face so that He can reveal the things that He wants you to learn from the situation. Be blessed!

R.T. ~The light that shines through~

© 2013, Robin I. Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally published at


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