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Your Purpose Never Ends!

People often think “When I die my purpose dies with me”. It is my opinion that, your purpose never dies! Your purpose never dies because if while on earth you operated in it, there is someone you’ve helped to evolve. Your impact on their life then affects the next generation and so on. Your purpose is seen in your family, the songs you sing, the books you write, the smiles you place on people’s faces, the wisdom you impart and literally everything that you do. The importance of you living out your purpose is not for your satisfaction or just for those you meet, but for the generations to come. The thing to remember about purpose is that it won’t be a life lived in the spotlight for everyone. Occupation is not the things that determines your level of impact. Teachers can have on an impact on just as many people as a famous writer over the years. Comparison is not a friend to your purpose but a complete enemy. Live in your purpose on purpose and you’ll have your best po...
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