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The Vinedresser

I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. (John 15:1-2)

While looking over some things that I previously jotted down to post about on the Radiant Transparency Facebook page, the above scripture came to mind. We all have heard it and can picture the vinedresser using tools to cut the grapevine where it’s needed. So I thought what exactly is the detailed description of what a Vinedresser does? Some jobs sound simple enough, but there has to be more to it or God would not have thought to compare himself to that particular occupation. Grapes are used for many things, juice, wine, raisins or sold as fresh produce to name a few things.  It is a versatile fruit that people use every day in many forms. It is said that a vinedresser works year round to ensure that the vineyard has a successful crop. The four main job duties are pruning, pest management, irrigation, and harvest.

Pruning: A skilled vine dresser doesn’t just walk up to the vine and cut anywhere, he is careful about where and how he cuts the vine. This process removes the dead, diseased and stunted fruit on the vine and makes room for new healthy fruit. Sometimes in life we think that things are cut away from us because of an attack by the devil. But often times it is God being the skillful vinedresser that He is. He cuts away the things that need to be cut so that we can bare more fruit in our lives. If He were to allow the dead and diseased things to remain, the disease would spread and possibly ruin the whole vine of fruit. It is often more important to look at the big picture rather than the small to truly grasp what He is doing. There are things, people and activities that may not serve you well in the next stage of your life and God may have to cut them away in order for you to fulfill His purpose for your life.  

Pest Management: Keeping pests away from any produce even off the vine is a task in itself, so I am sure the Vinedresser has to have some knowledge of how to keep the fruit from being destroyed. This means in order to keep the pests away he first has to study to find out what type of pests like this particular type of grape and what chemicals are safe to put on the grapes so that they aren’t ruined. God knew us before we were born, and He has studied our actions since we have been on earth. He knows what types of things, people and places we are attracted to. As well as what He is going to allow the devil to throw at us. Just like God made grapes, pests, and gave man the brainpower to figure out what he could use to keep the pests away. Like the spray the Holy Spirit in us acts as a shield or hedge if you will around our fruit. Although pests come near they will not be able to devour the good fruit that is growing when it is connected to the vine (Jesus). This includes people, tests, trials, old habits etc.

Irrigation: The Vinedresser has to make sure that the vineyards are being properly watered. Without the proper amount of water the fruit may dry up, have stunted growth or pest problems. All living things get thirsty and need water to grow; therefore proper hydration is necessary for healthy, mature fruit. Not only do we as humans need water in the natural sense, but our souls are also thirsty for the water that only Jesus can give. The water that He provides allows us to thirst no more, it fills us with wisdom, discernment and growth. This watering gives us the ability to produce good fruit in our lives for all to see.  God will lead you to His word and a well (church home) which could include an online ministry so that you may be properly watered by His word.

 13 Jesus answered her, All who drink of this water will be thirsty again.14 But whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) [continually] within him unto (into, for) eternal life. (John 4:13-14)

Harvest: This happens when the fruit is fully developed and ready to be used for its designed purpose (produce, raisins, wine, etc.). The Vinedresser monitors the fruit to see when it is ready for harvest, knowing that different varieties of grapes have different cycles of growth. The Vinedresser much like God is particular about timing. Picking the fruit too early would cause it not to be fully matured to endure its intended purpose; picking it too late could cause it to have a short shelf life and go bad quickly. God much like the Vinedresser watches and guides our steps when we are connected to the vine. He waits for the right time to put us in situations and take us out, He is particular about our every step making sure that it leads to full growth for the purpose He has for us. His reason for being careful with our harvest is so we may be prepared and produce much fruit in His name.

Much like us when pressure is applied to grapes it produces a substance, of juice. This juice is fermented to bloom into something that is robust and tasteful, getting better as is ages.  Whatever stage of growth you are in today, know that the Vinedresser knows what He is doing. Our job is to stay connected to the vine (Jesus). In order to stay connected we must renew of our minds in God’s word and stay connected with believers who are also growing under God’s care. From planting to harvest God is with us each step of the way.



R.T. ~The light that shines through~

For daily inspiration follow me @RTTheLight : FB, Twitter, Instagram
© 2014, Robin I. Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally published at


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