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Showing posts from December, 2014

Trusting Gods Ordered Steps

Trusting God's Ordered Steps Truly believing that our steps are ordered by God means we don't get out of order by trying to make things happen on our own time. Patience is part of the fruit that comes from living out life with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Having patience doesn't mean it's an easy street, but it's the path that allows you to surrender to God's will and gives you peace about His timing. So many of our wants and desires are God given, yet we fail to rely on the timing of the desire giver (Psalm 37:4). Some people read this as "if I submit to God, He'll give me what I want"...NOPE! I have personally gone through this in the area of relationships and He has literally given me new desires in my heart that align with His will and purpose for my life. It may seem as if the steps are taking a long time or we feel like we are taking the wrong steps, we get frustrated and possibly give up on a God given desire. In reality ...