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Poem:I'm Done

This poem came about months ago after receiving negative comments and feedback about how I choose to live my life. I’m not perfect but the more time goes on, the closer I get to God, the more I want to do things His way in every area of my life. Some people may not understand and I’ve come to terms with the fact that not everyone will understand. I’ve also come to terms with the fact that even some Christians may not encourage you to live by God’s standards; but discourage you by saying “You’ll be single forever, if that’s what you’re looking for” yet I serve the author of time. Even if that will be the outcome God will give me the grace to live it out. Some may think that this comes from a place of bitterness, but truthfully it comes from a place of full blown LOVE…for God and for me!
For those who are making changes in your life based on your relationship with God and who He says you are and what you deserve, you are not alone. Surround yourself with people who encourage and stay far away from those who discourage you from doing what you know is right for you because of God’s word.
Please remember that the more virtue we allow to be snatched from us and our children through what we take in, the worst the next generation will be. So don’t question it… correct it!

I'm done...

I’m done with casting my pearls before swine, in other words even looking at men who don't follow Gods design. You want me, seek Him and... Maybe I'll look your way, until then keep it moving, got no time for child's play. You see I have an assignment to do. To spread His word to the masses not open my legs because you want passion.
 What's your vision?
God showed me mine, you don't know yours that's fine. Seek His face and His will it shall all be revealed, but don't expect me to follow you down a slippery slope for cheap thrills. I was built to be a helper, but if you don't know who you are in Him you won't see what He's placed within only my exterior.
Pretty face , small waist Long hair. Don't care....if that's all you see, then you’re blind and you will never understand the intricacies of Gods divine design. You're attracted to His light that flows from within me. When you seek to impress me with your worldly accomplishments, you forget that my predecessor was heaven sent. Check the records, she was placed in the garden to be Adams helper, and Gods teachings should have been dealt with. So many blame the fall on Eve, but she could not follow where he did not lead.
 After the fall He spoke to us all, so that His teachings didn't just flow through man and for woman's understanding to expand. I'm not saying I'm free from sin, because we all fall short but I'm tired of doing it the world’s way and having to abort the relationship due to disaster; because you wanted to push past the....friendship.
When I look at your life I have to see my future generations, because I was made to cultivate like Sarah birthing forth many nations through Isaac. Not saying you have to be perfect, just show me something that's worth it. You can't be scared to worship...not me but God. You can't be afraid that you're going to look odd. If you can't grow with me then you can't go with me. If you could submit to Him, no woman would be afraid to submit to you.
So I won't apologize for the fact that I'm opposed to your proposed "benefits plan” to shack and be led by a man not fed by His word. No offense to anyone else, but I'll keep my place on the shelf. Some say I'm running out of time and because of my beliefs a man I'll never find...and that's ok because HE who finds a wife finds a good thing. And preparation is key to withstanding... the test of time. I'm being prepared to be the woman God made me to be so that when I get to the stage of being a wife I'll do it faithfully. Regardless of what you say having guidelines doesn't mean I'll be sitting on the sidelines forever. Just means I'm getting better. So if you think I'm just full of speech or a crazy Jesus freak that's okay… it’s NOT YOU I'm being prepared for anyway.😉
Anytime you need any encouragement I am just an email away, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the sources below. Be blessed!
        R.T. ~The light that shines through~
For daily inspiration follow me @RTTheLight
© 2014, Robin I. Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally published at


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