Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old
history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s
bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the
desert, rivers in the badlands. (Isaiah 43:19 MSG)
First I’d like to say thank you
for supporting Radiant Transparency in 2013.Thank you for taking this journey
with me as I seek to improve, inspire others and share God’s word. The past few
days I thought about doing a recap of 2013, but decided not to. I acknowledge
the lows and I'm happy for the growth that came from it, but even more importantly
I am excited about what’s to come.
Isaiah 43:19 was the beginning
scripture for Watch Night service last night and also the scripture of the day
on my Daily Bible app. It still amazes me when these types of things happen,
some call it coincidence I see it differently. There are times when I post a
specific scripture or blog post on a topic and within a few days God will lead
me to messages or my pastor will preach on the same thing. I believe when this happens it's God
continuously giving us the word that He knows we need or that we need to share
with someone else.
So today on the first day of
2014 I stress the importance of living out Isaiah 43:19 in OUR lives; I say our
since I am pressing towards this as well. Let’s take a walk through how God wants
us to live out our days.
Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep
going over old history.
In some instances
this is easier said than done and it will take work to get to this point. God does
not take one thing that we have suffered through lightly, but he also wants us
to understand and believe that He always does a NEW THING. This “New Thing”
that he does is greater than anything we’ve ever seen IF we believe it. He has
given you the things you need to get to the point of forgetting, in a sense of
longing for what was or could have been.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do
something brand-new.
We have to have an expectancy that God is
going to do something new and great in our lives each and every day. If we
expect the worse then usually the worse follows. Be present by thanking God for
all he has done and let Him know that you expecting him to do greater.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it
Because you are living a life of expectancy
it WILL burst out. You will start to notice changes in the smallest areas. Even
if God doesn’t change the situation He will change your perception of the
situation. I have discovered through experience that in most cases that is the
most important change that needs to happen. Acknowledge these small changes and
thank God for them.
I’m making a road through the desert,
rivers in the badlands.
Last but surely not least is His promise to
us. He promises to make a way to get through your dry places. Stand on this
promise and don’t be afraid to say to God “God you promised to make a road through
the desert and a river in the badlands, I NEED YOU TO DO THIS FOR ME”. Again understand that this “way” that God
makes may change the situation or YOU.
The most important thing that we all must remember is
that while we are asking God to do something, we too must be willing to do something.
If you are reading this blog post, He more than likely has already began a new
thing in your life. More than anything He wants us to say yes to Him and no to
some of the things that we are used to doing. We all know the saying “insanity
is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result”; it’s true.
God is forgiving and graceful, but He is also jealous for us to follow His lead. Also, remember that
change doesn’t happen overnight so be willing to stay committed to His guiding even
if you don’t perceive the change right away.
Lastly, I’m excited about the Radiant year ahead of us all. Be
~The light that shines through~
me personally at
daily inspiration follow me @RTTheLight
© 2013, Robin I. Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally
published at
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