14Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not
ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of
endless life.”15 The woman said, “Sir, give me this water so I
won’t ever get thirsty, won’t ever have to come back to this well again!” John
With all the advertisements of the
newest clothes, shoes, homes, gadgets and “reality TV” relationships, many
aspire to be what they see paraded in front of them. These visions of grandeur
cause us to look at our lives and strive to get the things mentioned in our own
way. Once we have obtained the things that society deems important, we look at
it and measure it again what others have. This measurement will either give us
a false sense of superiority or inferiority, depending on who we compare
ourselves to.
Some of the things we do include,
looking in the mirror and comparing ourselves to others and what they can do.
We can either put ourselves on a pedestal because we think we are better or we
can place ourselves in the position of a footstool and think we are not enough.
Singles say “ if only I were married, things would be better. Wives say if only
he would listen to what I tell him to do, while
husbands say if only she would stop nagging me things would be so much better.
If only I could get that promotion or that raise I can live like others live.
If my kids were like the Cosby kids…..The children and adolescents of society
then model after the thirst of the adults saying “if only I were skinner, had a
more shapely body, had the latest everything then I would be more popular. If I
got better grades my parents would treat me differently”.
All this longing, searching, needing
and measuring equate to the thirst. Today the thirst has become so main stream
that it seems normal. Media narrows down “the thirst” to women who are scantily
clad in little to nothing or men who do anything to draw attention to them by
being “different”. Being different is not determined by what you wear, but how
you carry yourself and live out your life.
Today it seems normal to attach
ourselves to things, accomplishments, people and the actions of those people.
Telling ourselves “this is the only way I will be happy and whole”. Society as
a whole is thirsty and constantly going to
the well to draw water (things, accomplishments, people, etc.). While those man
made wells may provide a few drops to quench our immediate thirst, the living water of God makes sure we thirst no
more. This woman who came to the well came looking for something to quench her
thirst for a moment, but this only lasted until it was time to come back and
draw again. If you read further she was on her 5th “husband” trying
to draw from him and possibly him draw from her as well. We seek comfort in
what we can see or get our hands on now, because we cannot imagine something
greater from God.
God longs for our relationship,
dependence and thirst to be for Him. So much so that He will sit and wait for
you. Jesus waited for the woman at the well for 6 hours! This is something that
you cannot find in most people. I can speak from experience; with the
exception of my parents when people put me on hold I HANG UP after about 20
seconds…..(He’s still working on me, lol). God is thirsty for us to thirst
after Him.
The scariest question with a large subset
that we have to ask ourselves is “what
am I thirsty for”? Am I so thirsty for acceptance that I will be involved in
things that I truly am not interested in? Am I so thirsty for relationship that
I will settle for what I know God’s word says is not best for me? Am I so
thirsty that I will seek to satisfy only my needs, not caring about how it will
affect others? Am I so thirsty for my finances to flourish that I put together
schemes and scams to get more money? Am I so thirsty for recognition that I go
around bashing others and never acknowledge what others bring to the table? The
list can go on forever, but these are questions that we all must ask ourselves.
The answers help us to get a clear perspective on what’s important in our lives.
So I leave you with this advice
(that I too heed) seek God to quench your thirst and needs. Your dependence on
Him fills in the gaps where we expect people, accomplishments and things to
fill. It may not be easy in the beginning to give up your expectations and
dependencies; but God WILL give you the water that allows you to thirst no
Are you thirsting after society’s
water that quenches your thirst momentarily; or the water from God that allows
you to thirst no more?
R.T. ~The light that shines through~
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