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Showing posts from September, 2013


    Today....I dry my tears and say hello to my fears   Today.....I let go of my past and push forward pass the growing pangs Today....I let God choose my path and take a different look at the glass. From half empty to half full and rising   Today.....I let go of the naysayers and prepare for the table to be set in the presence of my adversaries   Today... I relinquish my need to control and allow the beauty of life to unfold   Today... I take my heart off my sleeve and strive to believe in the greater good   Today... I let go of my personal desires and allow God to take me higher cause "THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE"   Today... I let go and let God, I choose to be odd more like one of a kind forever will I shine   Today.... I use your doubt for motivation your anger breeds innovation for my plans to empower the next generation.....Today Make today your best day! As always shares, likes and comments are appreciated.   R.T. ~The light that sh