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You Qualify

First I’d like to thank you for stopping by the blog. Radiant Transparency is a motivational company; however I envision it as more of a lifestyle brand promoting spiritual and personal growth through God’s word. I’ve been going through a period of growth with God over the past year, leading me through a lot of inner turmoil. Not to say things were the worst that they could get, but we all have our own struggle. Once I truly began to seek God’s word and His will for my life, He placed it on my heart in February of this year to start a Facebook page (link at the bottom of the page) to encourage others. I pray every day that someone is impacted in a positive manor by the page, as well as those who come in contact with me on a day to day basis. I have a lot of ideas for this vision of encouraging others through God’s word; so I’m excited about the future and I daily seek His will for Radiant Transparency.

I’d like to start this first blog off with being completely transparent about where I am right now. I just heard my Pastor Dr. Bradley ( preach the start of what I believe is one of the most fitting sermons for where I have been over the past few weeks. Although it may sound like I have it all figured out, the plan IS in place. Yet I’ve been wonder how am I going to do all of this? I’ve always been rather reserved and quiet; so another question I’ve had is how am I at some point going to stand up in front of a group of people and encourage them. I’m fine one on one, but how am I going to do this for groups of people as I would like to do. The questions weren’t asked in a worried tone, but just wondering….How?

One of the main things that stuck out in the sermon was Pastor saying “I qualify”. What this means for me is that God placed the vision in my heart 4 months ago to start the page to encourage others. So He has equipped me with the qualifications to do it and more!  We often wonder how things will turn out, how we will be able to handle certain situations or do what we believe God is leading us to do. Remember that if God has placed it in your heart to do or build “YOU QUALIFY” for the mission He has set before you. No matter how big or small you or others deem the task to be.  Stay encouraged!

Robin Taylor

R.T. ~The light that shines through~

© 2013, Robin I. Taylor. All rights reserved. Originally published at  


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