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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Deception of Perfection

Many of us (myself included) have had an illusion after we have been saved and start changing things in our lives that we will not do this or that or deal with this or that type of person. Now there are times when we will be lead to leave certain things behind such as partying, drinking, gossip, premarital sex etc.; whatever your particular vice(s) may be. Those vices began to be unappealing to you and we get so convicted that we may feel we need to passionately tell others about these changes in you. Feeling frustrated when you tell others about the changes that are happening with you and they don’t get it.   Forgetting that we were made in God's image which is perfection; but within in that process of perfecting is also maturity. Maturity means having your own opinion about a subject, yet not forcing it on others. We are all given free will and with that gift God also granted us repentance and forgiveness. As disciples we are to endeavor to live our lives as clos...